
使用comprefloss於臨床治療至今約有3年多,當初原本是想利用它來執行運動治療,但偶然的機會上,發現它綁在個案的肢體上,可以大大提升治療師抓住關節與骨頭的手感,便開始使用來搭配徒手治療,當然配合它的海綿理論使用,可以在執行徒手治療的使用過程中,額外的增加患側處水腫的代謝,對於慢性發炎的處理,是一大利器,也短了患者復健的時間,對治療品質的提升的幫助很大。 comprefloss 於運動前後都可以被拿來使用,在物理治療的領域裡是一個非常棒的治療方式,當病人或運動員的疼痛被抑制時,治療師就可以輕鬆的進行鬆動,改善組織沾黏的情形;也可以藉由綁的纏繞方向和加壓的位置,改善能量傳遞的方式,增加更多的能量在組織,降低於活動時的能量損耗,增加動作的品質。也因為個案可以顯著的增加動作品質而使姿態性的疼痛被釋放,也讓復原速度更快。總而言之,coimprefloss是一個對臨床工作者非常方便的工具。
Mr. Pan Ching-Cheng
I am a gym owner, trainer and athlete in CrossFit, Tracks and Weightlifting. I have been using Sanctband products since 2015 and this is the only brand I recommend to my clients and friends. The quality of the powder-free latex products are very high, easy to maintain and surpasses many other brands I have used. I use them for rehabilitation and sports-specific conditioning. I will also recommend them to individuals looking for variable resistance training at home. They will be one of your best investment.
Uncle Sam @thatunclesam [Samuel Lim]
Owner @cffirecity [Firecity Singapore]
I have been using Sanctband products for our patients since 2009. They are reliable, long lasting and affordable. Much better than previous brands we have been using in terms of longevity.
Mr Gino Ng
Senior Sports Physiotherapist at Sports Solutions in Singapore
馬來西亞 Sanctband 產品,高彈性、無粉,採環保物料製造,為復康用者提供有效及安全的阻力治療。
Kenneth Chong
Healthy Living Medical Supplies Ltd